Category: Conversations

  • In Sleepiness and in Wake…

    In Sleepiness and in Wake…

    I Naijahusband, take you Naijawife…to be my lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, in sleepiness and in wake, until death do us part. *At 1 a.m. in the morning* Naijawife: “Babe…” Naijahusband: “Hmmm?” Naijawife: “Darling” Naijahusband:…

  • Things NaijaWife Says – Episode 3: Where Did You Put…?

    One of the many joys of marriage is that you begin to see funny patterns in the various conversations you have with your spouse. So, welcome to Episode 3 of the Things NaijaWife Says Series! Episode 3: Where Did You Put…? Getting ready for bed… NaijaWife: “Where did you put my hairnet?!” NaijaHusband: “What makes you think I…

  • Heels


    Naijawife has presented the case to me from every angle: “It’s the subjugation of the female gender!” “Do you want me to suffer under the cruel heel of masculine oppression engendered by these masochistic shoes?” “Do you want me to develop corns on my toes?” “Do you want me to have clawed feet when I…

  • The Television Wars

    The Television Wars

    There is a war going on in my house. Well…maybe I can’t really call it a war. It may just be some territorial aggression…or as some countries like to call it, a “humanitarian intervention”.  Either way, in this situation, I’m the country being attacked and effectively invaded by a superpower. My wife, of course, is…

  • Things Naijahusband Says – Episode 3: Who’s That?

    Things Naijahusband Says – Episode 3: Who’s That?

    One of the many joys of marriage is that you begin to see funny patterns in the various conversations you have with your spouse. So, welcome to Episode 3 of the Things NaijaHusband Says Series! Episode 3: Who’s That? Naijahusband: “That movie you like is on TV.” NaijaWife:  “Which movie?” NaijaHusband: “Ghandi and the Fellowship of…

  • He Said – She Said

    He Said – She Said

    There’s two sides to every story. Especially in marriage. HE SAID… 10 PM I get home from work. NaijaWife is still not home. I’ve had dinner at work, but feel like munching something anyway so I head to the fridge. I find some rice and stew and finish it off. I turn on the TV…

  • Things NaijaWife Says – Episode 2 – “If You Like”

    One of the many joys of marriage is that you begin to see funny patterns in the various conversations you have with your spouse. Welcome to Episode 2 of the Things NaijaWife Says Series! Inspired by the Things Black Girls Say meme. Episode 2: If You Like NaijaWife: *Taking a long shower as usual – peeks out…

  • Things NaijaHusband Says – Episode 1: Misquotations

    One of the many joys of marriage is that you begin to see funny patterns in the various conversations you have with your spouse. Welcome to Episode 1 of the Things NaijaHusband Says Series! Inspired by the Things Guys Don’t Say and Things Black Girls Say memes. Episode 1: Misquotations NaijaHusband: *Going on and on about his dream job*…