Author: NaijaHusband

  • In Sleepiness and in Wake…

    In Sleepiness and in Wake…

    I Naijahusband, take you Naijawife…to be my lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, in sleepiness and in wake, until death do us part. *At 1 a.m. in the morning* Naijawife: “Babe…” Naijahusband: “Hmmm?” Naijawife: “Darling” Naijahusband:…

  • That Will Never Happen To Us

    That Will Never Happen To Us

      “Never say never.” But we’ve all said it anyway. Before we married, we had a number of things that we imagined would never happen to us. Things we wrongly assumed only happened to careless people, or to people who couldn’t be bothered to take necessary prevention measures such as obsessively repeating: “Tufiakwa!” “It is…

  • Sex and money…

    Sex and money…

    Sex and money, not just the premise of most television shows these days.  Sex and money are also the core (or so they say) of the arguments most married couples ever have…and end up divorced over.  True as that might be, I think there are many more problems in between the two issues that can accelerate…

  • Why Men Cheat

    Why Men Cheat

    Please excuse my Tyler Perry-esque title. I just wanted to get straight to the point about why I wrote this. Unless you are like me and deliberately choose to ignore the news, chances are you’ve noticed the recent headlines captivating the Nigerian “media” lately. I wasn’t going to comment at first but I have gotten…

  • Friend Zoned

    Friend Zoned

    My first clue should have been the text messages. Earlier in our marriage, Naijawife could send me up to 30 messages a day.  Mostly in the same theme.     I don’t mean to share too much information, but that’s what I was used to seeing from her.  Those mid-morning “thinking about you” reminders that…

  • It’s So Hard to Say Goodbye…

    It’s been very hard to say goodbye to this blog. So I won’t. New posts dropping soon.

  • Two Scary Words

    Two Scary Words

    Don’t urge me to leave you or ever turn away Where you go is where I’ll go, so right with you I’ll stay! Your people’ll be my people and your God will be my God Your home will be my home even if you move abroad No hiding pins or passwords, there’s no secrets between us Because you’re…

  • Husband…not Child

    Husband…not Child

    Repeat after me ladies. “Men are NOT children.” “My spouse is a fully grown man. NOT an infant.” “Husband NOT child!” Everywhere I look it’s the same theme. Whether it’s the television commercial that shows the inept father that somehow manages to wrap his baby in a diaper made of moin moin leaves, or the 50th article…