Category: Communication

  • Two Scary Words

    Two Scary Words

    Don’t urge me to leave you or ever turn away Where you go is where I’ll go, so right with you I’ll stay! Your people’ll be my people and your God will be my God Your home will be my home even if you move abroad No hiding pins or passwords, there’s no secrets between us Because you’re…

  • It’s the Thought that Counts

    It’s the Thought that Counts

    Christmas is around the corner, and I’m reminded of the first Christmas gift I ever gave NaijaWife. I remember handing the gift to her confidently, relieved that I didn’t have to worry about whether she’d like it, because I already know she would. But when she took it in her hands and a look of disappointment passed…

  • A Letter to My Ex

    I wrote a piece that was part of a series called “Letters to My Ex”, hosted by The Naked Convos (TNC).  My letter was titled “My New Life with My New Wife” and I’ve posted it below for those of you who haven’t read it yet. No pictures this time….just words.  A LETTER TO MY EX: My…

  • Things NaijaHusband Says – Episode 2: Jammed

    Things NaijaHusband Says – Episode 2: Jammed

    One of the many joys of marriage is that you begin to see funny patterns in the various conversations you have with your spouse. Welcome to Episode 2 of the Things NaijaHusband Says Series! Inspired by the Things Guys Don’t Say and Things Black Girls Say memes. Episode 2: JAMMED 7 am NaijaWife: *Kisses NaijaHusband* “How’s your day looking…